Category Archives: unicycle


It has been a long journey, and my month is up, so I created the following video to show my progress, success, and failure. Stay tuned for the next project! To begin in  just a few days! My new challenge will be revealed in a matter of hours 🙂

Unicycling Heros!

IN 2009, GRACIE SORBELLO AND MATT BURNEY UNICYCLE THE ENTIRE GREAT DIVIDE CYCLING ROUTE TO SUPPORT THE LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA SOCIETY. What an amazing story! These are quite the unicycling heros. Check out there blog to see there story and also check out some of the pictures I selected from the project below.

Unicycle around a pool while singing and playing guitar

What a talented young lady! She obviously has had far more practice then me… and AROUND A POOL????? I think if i attempted that only one thing would happen – a verrrryyyy wet mandolin.

Unicycle + Tuba + Trombone

These guys are great!!

walk of shame

well, i think it might be safe to say that I am one of the first people to have to walk back home, embarrassed, with a bandaid on my face because of taking a blow from a mandolin… while on a unicycle. Oh well! Stay tuned for my final video! the one that wraps up this month’s undertaking!! Can you guess what the next project will be??????

at the “emergency room”

Here I am getting all nice and bandaged up by the UCLA staff people. I think it is funny how this small cut turned into such a huuuuge deal. Regardless, the video is pretty funny.

proof of my pain.

Now. You may call me a whimp, but this little guy actually stung quite bad. NO i did not cry, but it did hurt. Luckily the staff on-site offered to bandage me up (but that is for another post).

Just look at that HUUUUUGE GAAAASH… OK, i’m exaggerating, and I am kind of an idiot…, but at least i was wearing a helmet?


Now, keep in mind this does not look nearly as bad as it actually was, but it WAS. Essentially this is what happened:

I got a bit cocky about my mandolin and unicycle skills as I had done decently well a few days prior to this shoot, so I decided to invite some people on the patio to check it out. Things started off a bit sloppy, but then I caught my balance on the unicycle and started strumming the mandolin a bit, and then BAM. I fall backwards, with nothing to hold onto and take a whack to the FACE from my mandolin. Needless to say I can now honestly claim that my SWEAT and BLOOD has gone into this project.

Check out this video for the documentation:

I made it out a door!

And then turned! Well this may seem like a lame accomplishment to most, but I was pretty darn excited about it!


I apologize for the lack of posting, i am going to go back to about 5 posts a day now for ya’ll as this blog seems to be getting a bit more popular. Anywho, I had some majorly awesome things happen on the unicycle and mandolin recently. Well, not that terribly awesome on account of it involves getting quite hurt…. but stay tuned today to see!